All-Purpose, Non-Flammable, Sterilized Cleaner & Air Duster
From products specifically designed to make gaskets for any need, to adhesives, sealants, glues, threadlockers and epoxies of all types, we maintain a full inventory of products that will help you save time, money and reduce equipment failures. Whether your needs are to lock a compressor bolt permanently, replace a waste water pump gasket, clean a greasy part safely, loosen a frozen bolt, or repair a leak in a tank with an epoxy stick, we have what you need to reduce downtime and cut labor cost.
Click on a product to learn more!All-Purpose, Non-Flammable, Sterilized Cleaner & Air Duster
Air Tool Conditioner & Cleaner
Aerosol All Season Surface Repellent
Aerosol Spray-On Rubber Coating
Bacterial Additive for Degrading Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Oil/Water Separators
Contact and Circuit Board Cleaner
Blue RTV Silicone Sealant
Chewing Gum Removal
Multi-purpose Clear RTV Silicone Adhesive/Sealant/Caulker
Aerosol Bio-Enzymatic Foaming Coil Cleaner
Heavy-Duty Degreaser For Air Conditioning Coils, Fins and Filters
Aerosol Foaming Evaporator Coil Cleaner and Disinfectant
Nonacid Foaming Aluminum Coil Cleaner and Brightener
Self-Rinsing Coil Cleaner
Nonfuming Concrete Remover
Heat Dissipating Spray/Flame Retardant
Moisture Absorbent and Protector for Control Boxes
Premoistened Graffiti and Paint Remover Towels
Hand Mixable Epoxy Putty
Versatile, Durable Repair Patch
Heavy-Duty Acid Replacement Cleaner
Ready-to-Use Acid Replacement Cleaner
Surface Remediation Cleaner
2-Part, Steel-Filled, Epoxy Resin
Aerosol Expanding Foam Sealant
Aerosol Flexible Black Rubberized Sealant
Powerful Deicer Concentrate
Removes Paint and Graffiti in One Easy Step
Ready-To-Use, Water-Based Paint Remover
Food Grade, Oil Based, Stainless Steel Cleaner
Pre-moistened, Pocket-sized Towelettes
Aerosol Industrial Marking Paint
Aerosol Frost & Ice Remover
Granular Ice Melting Compound
Ice Melting Compound
Ice Melting Compound
Aerosol Ceiling Tile Restorer
Liquid Ice Melt
Aerosol Vandal Mark & Graffiti Remover
Snow and Ice Melting Compound
Ice Machine Cleaner
Highly Concentrated Lime and Scale Remover
Surface Insensitive Instant Super Glue Gel
Thread Sealant
Heavy-Duty Evaporator/Condenser Coil Cleaner
Clear RTV Silicone Rubber Adhesive Sealant
All Season Surface Repellant
Aerosol Metal Parts Protector
Two-Part Quick Cure Epoxy
General Purpose Adhesive