Range of Palm-Dipped Gloves
Our customers tell us they want a single source for all of their maintenance, sanitation repair and safety needs. By offering a full line of equipment, including safety wear, we are answering their request for a single source of supply. Workplace concerns and requirements necessitate that every effort is made to provide your people with top quality safety equipment. We offer a full line of safety gloves, goggles, rainwear, anti slip floor coatings and other related equipment.
Click on a product to learn more!Range of Palm-Dipped Gloves
Variety of Work Gloves
Open Mesh Cleaning Pad
Heat Stress Relief
High Visibility Heat Stress Shade
Head Protection
Class 2, Hi-Vis Insulated Safety Vest
Goggles & Face Shield in One
Pre-moistened, Pocket-sized Towelettes
Intrinsically Safe & Waterproof
Dual Light With Dual Magnet
Light With Multi-Angle Mount
Anti-Fatigue Indoor/Outdoor Mat
Portable High Powered Lamp
Premoistened Lens Cleaning Packets
Premoistened Lens Cleaning Wipes
Intrinsically Safe Flashlight with Laser
Disposable Face Masks
Commercial Matting
Personal Tactical Light
Touch-Free, Refillable Hand Sanitizer Dispensers
Heat Stress Prevention
Flashlight/Floodlight Headlamp
Holds One 8 oz. Jar of Natural Air Gel
Programmable Pump Dispensers
3 Section Extension Pole with Detachable Can Sprayer and Rope
50-Oz. Pump Sprayer With Adjustable Nozzle
Industrial Orange Nitrile Gloves
ANSI Z87.1+ Adjustable Safety Glasses
Proportioning and Dispensing System
Industrial Grade Sprayer With 2-Quart Capacity
Disposable Blue Shop Towels
Three-Piece Rainsuit
High Visibility Ranger Hat
LED Area Light with Magnetic Base