Our customers tell us they want a single source for all of their maintenance, sanitation repair and safety needs. By offering a full line of equipment, including safety wear, we are answering their request for a single source of supply. Workplace concerns and requirements necessitate that every effort is made to provide your people with top quality safety equipment. We offer a full line of safety gloves, goggles, rainwear, anti slip floor coatings and other related equipment.
Click on a product to learn more!Antifog
Safety Goggles
Hi-Viz Safety Shirt - Short Sleeved
OSHA Hazard Information Station
Multi-Function Headlamp
Heat Stress Relief
Vehicle Snow Rake with Handle
Backpack and Hand-Held Pump Up Sprayer
Special Order
Refillable Steel Sprayer
Hand Soap Dispensing System
Heavyweight Disposable Towels
Spray Bottle
White Heavy-Duty Wipers
Waterproof Light
Multi-Flood USB Headlamp
Class 2, Hi Viz Safety Vest
Class 3, Hi Visibility Safety Vest
Microfiber Duster with Extendable Handle