Waterproof Light
Our customers tell us they want a single source for all of their maintenance, sanitation repair and safety needs. By offering a full line of equipment, including safety wear, we are answering their request for a single source of supply. Workplace concerns and requirements necessitate that every effort is made to provide your people with top quality safety equipment. We offer a full line of safety gloves, goggles, rainwear, anti slip floor coatings and other related equipment.
Click on a product to learn more!Waterproof Light
Dispenser For Use With AirMatic
Adhesive-Backed Grit Surface Tape
Automatic toilet and urinal flushing system
White Wiping Cloth
For Use with C-Joint
Spray Can Tool
Class 3, Jacket, Hoodie Yellow with Black Bottom
Heat Stress Prevention
Heat Stress Prevention
Class 2, Hi Viz Safety Vest
Dual Light
Dual Light Flashlight With Dual Magnets
Dual Light Flashlight with Dual Magnets
Rechargeable Multifunction Dual Light
Personal Protection Equipment
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Equipment
Spill Control Products
Scent Diffuser
Professional 30-Day Air Freshener
Drum/Pail Pumps
Goggles & Face Shield in One
Smart Fan Air Freshening System
White Metal First Aid Kit
Wall Bracket
Laminated Polyester Floor Marking Tape
Range of chemical resistant gloves that are long sleeved and come in a multiple materials
Range of disposable gloves for general and nonmedical use.
Coated and Insulated Gloves For Extra Warmth in Cooler Environments
Full Leather and Leather Palm Gloves