Product Description
COIL FRESH is a nonabrasive, one-step disinfectant cleaner for evaporator coils in small air conditioners, commercial air handling equipment, HVAC cooling coils and refrigeration equipment. It is effective against a wide variety of organisms and is EPA registered for HVAC applications. The water-based foam dissipates and runs off the coils into the catch pan where, after ten minutes of contact time, COIL FRESH disinfects the catch pan surface, controlling the listed organisms, including the bacteria that cause Legionnaires Disease.
Active Ingredients: n-Alkyl (60% C14, 30% C16, 5% C12, 5% C18) dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride: 0.10%, n-Alkyl (68% C12, 32% C14) dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride: 0.10%
*Not registered in all 50 states.
Product Features
- No rinsing required
- One-step cleaning, disinfecting and deodorizing action
- EPA registered for HVAC applications
- Virucide, mildewstat (on hard, inanimate surfaces), fungicide (against pathogenic fungi)
- Disinfects against Legionella Pneumophila, Canine Parvovirus and Herpes Simplex Virus Type I and II
- Nonabrasive and biodegradable
- Water based aerosol foam
- Air Conditioners
- HVAC Cooling Coils
- Commercial Air Handling Equipment
- Refrigeration Equipment
- Auto Repair Services
- Freezers
- Hotels/Motels
- Golf Courses
- Apartment Complexes
- County Agencies
- Bottling Plants
- Colleges and Universities
- Hospitals
- Industrial Plans
- City Agencies
- Food Processing Plants
- Nursing Homes
- Public Utilities
Directions for Use
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
To disinfect hard, nonporous surfaces (such as HVAC catch pans and air conditioning evaporator coils), proceed as indicated below:
(1) Shake can before using. (2) Hold six to eight inches from surface to be treated. (3) Spray area until it is covered with a white foam. Allow foam to penetrate and remain wet for 10 minutes. No scrubbing necessary. (4) Wipe off with a clean cloth, mop or sponge.
MILDEWSTAT: To control mold and mildew on precleaned, hard, non-porous surfaces (such as floors, walls, table tops) spray surfaces to be treated, making sure to wet completely. Let air dry. Repeat application at weekly intervals or when mildew growth reappears.